1739   MV:安道尔(Andorra)前卫死核(Progressive Deathcore)乐团 Persefone 单曲《Prison Skin》音乐视频【歌词】


Tears in my eyes

Void in my heart
I don't know who I am anymore
This trance defines the realms of my mind
My head collapsed by the magnitude of this feeling

Let you be, close your eyes
And dare to see what always was

I will, I want!

Don't want to be who I am anymore
Trust your being, let you feel connected with this life
Thousand voices, fear and anger
Fighting ego wants to keep this false I alive

Confined by the walls I built
Being consumed by this prison skin.
Open your Eye
Feel what you're inside.

You're not youre face,
You're not the name you've been given
Break these walls and see the light,
Transcend the senses

There is more,
that I can't see
That I can't touch
But I can feel deep
I will break free
For this false reality
I will!
Leave the anger
Open your heart
Bloom outside this prison skin.

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