1372   视频 - DIY - 吉他琴头定制金属漩涡油漆

几个月前,吉他世界曾经分享过一段名为”Guitar Receives Custom Metallic Swirl Paint Job."“的视频。这段DIY视频长达七分钟,其中向我们展示了一把吉他定制金属漩涡油漆的过程,该视频非常火热,在Facebook上被分享了将近12000+次。


# 视频:Swirling(Metallic Silver _ Black Headstock Swirl)


"Here we have another custom swirl. This one is the headstock in metallic silver and black to go with the Darrel Westray Custom body swirl already on YouTube. Once again, these two colors go extremely well together. When finished and put together, I think chrome hardware will look really sexy!”

"We have now clear-coated the body and headstock and are waiting to complete this guitar with all the hardware and pickups."
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