2489   盘点 - 十首关于“失足女”的动人歌曲 - 5 - Les Misérables - I Dreamed A Dream

# Les Misérables - I Dreamed A Dream


这首歌显然不是这十首里最露骨的,甚至歌词也无关卖淫本身,但是考虑到演唱这首歌的角色是一位妓女,所以我们也算上这首吧。这首歌的入选很大程度上是因为Susan Boyle在“英国达人”上的演绎,不管你对Susan本人有什么意见,这首歌或者这个选秀节目显然已经成为了一种无法忽视的文化现象。她的诠释让她一夜之间成为了“全球巨星”(至少从病毒传播的角度看确实如此)、让一部经典音乐剧得到重新普及,而且在个人看来,也让我们领略到了真人秀的力量。

# MV - Les Misérables - I Dreamed A Dream

# Les Misérables - I Dreamed A Dream 歌词:

[Fantine is left alone, unemployed and destitute.]
There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I prayed that God would be all-giving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung
No wine untasted

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hopes apart
And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather!

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now, from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed
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