2086   MV:美国电子核/金属(Electronica/Metal)乐团 The Browning 单曲《Dragon》音乐视频【歌词】


I feel nothing inside of me
I am, I am, empty, empty
I feel nothing inside of me

I am, I am, empty, empty

You will die

I feel rage
In my bones

I've walked the path that's taken way
The crackest lips will construe you
I can't choose a side
You think you are the chosen one
Everyone and everything
Immortality is bliss

I feel nothing inside of me
I am, I am, empty, empty

Fight from the dark sky
Alone in this world
That you destroyed

I've walked the path that's taken way
The crackest lips will construe you

I feel nothing inside of me
I feel nothing inside of me
I am, I am, empty, EMPTY!


Fight from the dark sky
Alone in this world
That you destroyed

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