2455   测评 - 单块效果器 发烧级法兹单块效果器对比评测

测评 - 单块效果器 发烧级法兹单块效果器对比评测
横向对比的fuzz烧块清单:ARC Effects MKII Tone Bender, Zvex Fuzz Factory, Zvex Fuzz Factory Spam Can, Blakemore Deus Ex Machina Big Muff, Ghost Effects (Wem) Pep Box, Devi Ever Ruiner, Ghost Effects Sounds of Today MKI tone bender, Ghost Effects (Elka) Dizzy Tone, Creepy Finger Sugar Boost, Creepy Fingers Os Mutantes Regulus VIII, Infanem There's No Future in Fuzz fuzzrite, Fuzz Face NKT275, Zvex Fuzz Probe, Wattson Superfuzz (shin ei), DAM Fleshhead, Analogman Astro Tone (sam ash), Gooby Bag of Dicks (jordan boss tone), DAM Meathead。
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