1877   MV:加拿大(Canada)前卫/技术死亡金属(Progressive/Technical Death Metal)乐团 Beyond Creation 单曲《Earthborn Evolution》音乐视频【歌词】

We, the world, exhausted souls, slaves from those paths
We've grown to become reflections of our souls
Physionomical creations

Philosophical imitations, we learn, we trust but we'll never know, we'll never really know

Man behaves, in ecliptic situations
Forgetting this mind's progression we all worked for

Philosophical imitations, we learn, we trust but we'll never know, we'll never really know

Human decline, universe phenomena
Protection of his own is pure evidence of inequality

[Solo: Kevin]

Face yourself, regarding this above criticalism perspective
These energizim vibrations are powerful evolutions of itself….pure power
Involving with this emerging perseverance, you've created an objective realization of your mind.

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