1902   现场 - 乔·塞奇尼(Joe Satriani)- Satchurated Live in Montreal

!![视频: [LIVE] Joe Satriani - SATCHURATED](https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQwOTIwNTI0.html)

# Joe Satriani - Satchurated Live in Montreal

主音吉他: Joe Satriani
节奏吉他: Galen Henson
鼓: Jeff Campitelli
贝斯: Allen Whitman
键盘/打击乐: Mike Keneally

# 曲目列表

  1. Ice 9
  2. Hordes of Locusts
  3. Flying In A Blue Dream
  4. Light Years Away
  5. Memories
  6. War
  7. Premonition
  8. Satch Boogie
  9. Revelation
  10. Pyrrhic Victoria
  11. Crystal Planet
  12. The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing
  13. Dream Song
  14. God Is Crying
  15. Andalusia
  16. Solitude
  17. Littleworth Lane
  18. Why
  19. Wind In The Trees
  20. Always With Me, Always With You
  21. Big Bad Moon
  22. Crowd Chant
  23. Summer Song
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